Friday, May 23, 2008

Nate came over!

Our good friend Nate came over tonight brought some pizza and played some rockband with us. It's nice to have good friends that you can just chill with.

Tumor Eye Jack

Jack has a tumor under his left eye lid and is going to have the rest of his teeth removed. Thats what happends when you get old. Jackson is 10-12 years old. We adopted him he was like 4. The people we got him from didn't remember how old he was. We have had him for 6 years. He has had most of his teeth removed. Now he is going to get the rest removed. The remaining 6-7 that is. I love my old man. He should still have a long happy life. He is very heathy other then having a gross face. He will be fine with no teeth. He swallows his food whole anyway. He is still my handsome Jack.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Laser and White

Today I went with Dom to get my Laser hair removal. It was pretty cool. It didn't hurt. There were a few spots in my arm pits that mad me jump and a painful vein on the back of my leg. My tatoo hurt worse. I think this is the coolest thing ever. I will never have to shave my pits or my legs again. OH YEAH. I think the next thing I want to do is get my teeth whittend. If you look at my picture my teeth are not yellow but a natural color. At least I think. I don't think they look bad but eveyone has really white teeth so I need to jump on this band wagon as well being the totally vain person I am. I go to weight watchers in the morning. I better have lost weight. My pants are looser but I gained a pound last week when I weighed in. We shall find out tomorrow.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

I married a sweet man and he still loves me!

The other day Mark was being a real ass. Everything that came out of his mouth was so rude. I don't remember what he said. I don't dwell on it as much as most women would. I almost choose to sleep on the couch because he had pissed me off so bad. He went to bed way before me and at about 3 am I climbed into bed with him. Half asleep he turned over and said that he was sorry. He said that he had a dream I was mad at him (which I was) and wanted to apologize. He said he felt bad and was just really stressed out and kissed me. Most men never apologize so i think it is very significant when he does because he is so sincere and special. I am lucky to have a man who is willing to say sorry. I say sorry all the time and I work hard to realize when I am being a bitch. I don't like hurting my loves feelings.

Does laser hair removal hurt?

I guess I will find out tomorrow. Dom is taking me to get hair free. I really don't care for pain.

Monday, May 12, 2008

What I will be doing this summer at Bear Lake!

We have so much fun and the water is beautiful.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Rock Band

I guess we are just total nerds. We play Rock Band like its work. Our "group" 8 Fold Path is number 10 (or at least the last time I check) on the PS3 network. Highest rank is an8. We have spent countless hours labouring over the game getting our scores up. Our highest score was on Co&Ca Welcome Home with over 2 million points. I really like it. It's something to do. I do the singing even though there are others who are better at it. I am really good at matching the way the real artist sing. Mark is an awesome drummer. Nick is bass and Josh is guitar. Come on over and we will show you how cool we are and have some fun.

I realized how ugly I look when I sing. Mark has a kidney stone so his drumming was not what it usually is. He still got a 99%.

Here is a video of Mark and I. The video with all members is to come.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Leona is the cutest baby ever!

My niece Leona is 17 months old. I am amazed how fast she is growing and how smart she is. I love getting pix messages from my sisters. They are in California and I am in Utah so I don't get to see little Leo that often. She is a happy little baby. We get told a lot that she looks like Tom Cruise's baby Suri. When I have kids I hope they are just as cute as my Leona.

I love my Dad.

Every year my dad's work puts on a fund raiser for Primary Children's hospital. They always have my dad cook because they get more donations when he is out there bbqing. I helped a few week ago and got an awful sun burn. It was worth it. My niece and nephew have both been hospitalized there when they were younger. Both my parents donate there time every year to do this. I think it is great of them. They live in a small town and manage to raise more money then the rich town 20 minutes away. Last Monday my dad stepped on a screw that went almost all the way through his foot and he was out there working all day Friday and Saturday. People should really donate there time more.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

People on YouTube are crazy.

When I say people on You Tube are crazy I don't mean their videos. I expect to see crazy videos. I am referring to there comments. I have been watching a lot of music videos for Coheed and Rage in the past two days and all people do is start fights with their comments. Its one thing to give constructive criticism but another to say something flat out rude. On the Rage video I was watching some Japanese person left a comment about Americans not winning wars and then every other person has to leave mean comments about what has Japan done lately. Frankly I don't care what either have to say. Its just a damn music video. People leave comments on the Coheed page like, 'That guys sounds like a women and needs a hair cut. Shittiest band ever!" My question to you is, WHY ARE YOU WATCHING IT? All you're doing by leaving those comments is starting a comment war. Leave criticism, I am fine with that. I have yet to see anyone actually leave good criticism. This kind of stuff just shows me how uneducated and mean the masses are. And don't say to me that I have bad grammar or spelt something wrong. I know I do and I don't really care. At least I am a peaceful person who tries to approach each situation with care and not say rude things. All I am trying to say is instead of a comment battle, do a video reply those are much more acceptable for you tube. ;)

We got a Wii!

On our search for entertainment tonight at Blockbuster we came across a Wii to purchase. We have never been able to find one. We got the best Nintendo game ever, Mario Kart. We have had so much fun. Mark is in the living room now playing on single player to unlock characters and cars. After about 15 min alone he start yelling and cursing at the game. Its funny, annoying, and cute all at the same time. He is so predictable when it comes to how he will react to video games. Of coarse he is going to play it perfect so its not him who screws up it's the game. And men say women are crazy. LOL! OH well. I still love watching him play and enjoy his frustration. I am so evil.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Cookie Monster is a WEIRDO!!

This little dog drives me crazy. Don't get me wrong. I love this little bitch but she is a wild one. Her bark sounds like a screaming women. When she howls she sounds like a cow. She adores my husband more then anything to the point she wont wake him up to take her out, she wakes me up. She will stand on my head and breath in my face until I get up. She is smart. She lets you know when she needs to go outside any time of day. If you ask you, "Outside?" she will jump and kick off of your thigh with her hind legs. Sometimes leaving bruises. My friend Melissa says she looks like my husband. It must be the beards they both sport.

Learning to Let Go.

*** I wrote this about 7 years ago in my English 1010 coarse at Weber State. I love this personal narrative about myself. There was so much going on during that time of my life that confused me so much. I was torn by what life/path I should choose. I love the life I live. We all have our hard times. My life would have been dramatically different if I had gone another way. I would have been a totally different person then I am today. I think the at the core of me I am the same but what other people see has changed. My general ideas on life are very different and I am much more open to new things. I think the "core" or "inner me" is a very fragile being. So the outer me had to get strong to protect my core self. The biggest lesson I have learned in the past 7 year is to let anger go. Anger will kill you. When I was first married some of my in laws hurt my feeling very badly for reasons not even worth bringing up. When I would tell people what happened my blood pressure would skyrocket. I would get dizzy and have a head ache. After about 6 months I had to move on. It was to painful physically to let that anger take over me. Now don't get me wrong. I am still a little jaded. Hello. I am a women. ;) but there is no reason to get angry over something that happened so long ago and can not change. There are more benefits that happened during that time then there are negatives. For exampled: within the first month of my marriage I learned my husband would stand by me no matter what. I learned who I could trust and who can see the true fragile core of myself. I also learned I could move on and forgive. Now when bad things happen I get upset, yell, or cry and then I move on. If it's something I can't change, why be angry. You will die faster if you're angry. ***

Every morning I wake up to the same annoying blasting beep at about 7:30. As I lay in bed trying to ignore the antagonizing beep of my alarm clock, I slowly open my bloodshot red eyes and say, Just five more minutes.
My hand slams down on the snooze button, and I take my five extra minutes of sleep. But, on this morning, as I fell back asleep I begin to dream of being with my grandpa. I am sitting with him in a retirement home, but it is as if he does not belong here because he is so young.
I ask, Why are we here?
He says, I am here to help guide you to help find your true self and the person you want to be.
As I sit in the retirement home with my grandpa, he holds my hand and looks so deeply into my eyes, it is as if he knew my thoughts, dreams, anger, worries, and love. He smiles at me and squeezes my hand and says,
"I know a lot about you! I know your sins, your accomplishments, and the pain you feel in your heart day after day." I close my eyes and take a deep breath, as he looks at me and says, "You're not happy. Why are you so scared of letting go?"
"Letting go of what?" I ask.
"Of everything! Your whole life you have been doing everything your family, friends, church and society have been telling you. Now your heart is broken and you wake up every morning depressed because you are 19 years old and don't have the slightest clue of who you are!"
"I know who I am. I am a good person who is loving and helpful and kind. I am a hard worker, I am honest, and I am trustworthy." I protest as my heart falls to the ground.
"Yes, you are all those things, but why is it that everyday you are afraid because you are not sure of yourself. You question what you know to be true in your heart and when you look in the mirror all you can see is emptiness and confusion in your face. I am here to help you break away from what is holding you back and to help you feel joy instead of sadness." He leans in and touches my face and says, "I have been there, except no one helped me so I didn't grow as a person. I held the same confusion as you, but I grasped at it until the day I died. That is why I appear so young to you and in a retirement home. The turning point in my life was 30 years old; this is when I could no longer change because I was set in my ways. I had a wife and children, and I could not go off and find myself. I had to work at my job day in and day out; that I hated, just to put food on the table. There was no more time for just me." He looks at me with a loving stare, knowing how I feel, he whispers; "I come to you now because you are young enough to change. Your heart and mind are open enough for suggestion. You feel the pain of what is missing in your life. I cannot tell you what you need to do to find, what you search for. I am here to tell you that now is the time to look. Don't worry what people think of you. Have hope and pray everyday. Let your heart guide you to what you need to do. Deep down you know. You just don't want to let go. Don't be afraid! If you are worried about what God thinks, he is happy with you. He doesn't care as long as you are true to yourself. That is the only true test in life. Be happy and discover yourself. Do not let anything hold you back and you will do just fine."
With my Grandpas kiss on my forehead, I suddenly woke up to my alarm clock. My five minutes are up. I slowly get up, turn on the light, walk to the mirror and take a deep breath. Today is going to be a good day, and so is tomorrow.